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Austrian Country Style Bread

Posted: 26. May 2009 21:25
by Korinna
Þetta er uppskrift úr "Bread. Baking by hand or bread machine". Ég er aðeins of þreytt til að þýða hana en mig langaði að setja hana inn þar sem þetta er mjög einföld uppskrift af mjög góðu brauði af evrópskum stíl.

For the starter:1/2 tsp yeast, 3 tsp water, 50g white flour: desolve and blend, cover with tea towel and leave to ferment for 12 to 18 hours

For the dough: 1 1/2 tsp yeast, 350 ml water, 350 g whole wheat flour, 100 g white flour, 2 tsp salt.
sprinkle yeast into water and desolve, leave for 5 minutes. Add flours and starter, add water or flour until the dough is light and shiny. Kneat with a wooden spoon or in a mixing bowl, do not over mix.
Cover and leave for 12 to 18 hours.
Add salt and flour if needed. Knead until smooth and elastic for about 100 minutes, leave to rest for 10 minutes.
Shape into a round loaf, cut a cross and cover, let prove until doubbled in size, for about 2 hours.
Bake at 200° for about 90 minutes or until hollow sounding when tapped underneath. Leave to cool covered in tea towel on a wire track.

Serve with butter, yellow cheese, smoked meat and beer :-)

Re: Austrian Country Style Bread

Posted: 26. May 2009 23:44
by Andri
Þarf ekki meira hveiti ef maður er að gera svona brauðvéla uppskriftir ef maður er að gera brauðið án vélarinnar.
Ég prófaði einu sinni einhverja svona véla uppskrift sem ég fann á netinu og brauðið varð allt of slímugt.
Varð að bæta slatta af hveiti til að fá gott brauð :Þ